Hi, I’m Christina Day, a Product Designer, UX, & Branding Expert in Sunny Oakland, CA.

Optimized, Exportable Computer Vision Data with Spotlights™ Reporting

Adding value to the Betterview Platform with a New Product: PartnerHub™

Reactive to Proactive: Action Flags & The Property Intelligence™ Platform

A New Dashboard Modality:

Integrating New Features and Risk-Assessment Datapoints With a Modular, Customizable Interface

Branding and Web Design for HackerDAO

Expanding Office Catering Ops with On-Demand Catering Marketplace

Building a New Product and Internal Tools for ZeroCater Snacks & Kitchens

Creating a Design System to Scale and Improve the ZeroCater Experience

Creating ThriveBot:

Your Digital Wellness Coach for Arianna Huffington & Thrive Global

Building the New AnyPerk:

Designing and Developing a WordPress marketing website for an Enterprise Company; Building a Visual Design System and Illustration Library

Designing for MakerSquare:

Launching and Expanding A New Company